Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My sister's keeper...


After having dinner with my boyfriend last night, I play this movie whitch delay it about a month. I have the book, but unable to find my free time to read it. Usually, i would prefer to finish reading the book before watch the movie whitch adap from it. But, not for this time around..

I found this movie was interesting, sad, and doesnt dissapoint me! I love Abigail Breslin! she is so clever in playing her role as Anna and Sofia Vassilie play as Kate.

So, I suggest to my Mom and friends to watch it..

And wanting to find free time to start reading the book that i bought few month back....

But, tonight, supprisingly, I foud that the original story from the book is not the same as the movie.. i read some comments from other reader who had read and watched the movie. Here are one of the comment form one of ther reviewer that i found interesting and would like to share it in here....

"From the character casting to location to the ending, this movie was awful. In the book, Anna's brother Jesse is a rebel who's constantly getting into trouble. Campbell (the attorney) was a major jerk only in it to become more popular. They completely left out Anna's guardian at litem, Julia Romano (who was a major character in the book). Judge DeSalvo was a man. The book took place in Rhode Island, not LA. And the ending was completely wrong!!! In the book, Campbell has a seizure while driving Anna somewhere & they get into a bad car accident. She is put on life support while her organs are harvested. Her sister, Kate, receives a kidney from her & goes on to live another healthy 8 years. Anna dies. Jesse becomes a cop, not an artist. Other than that, the rest of the movie is hard to follow. My husband had not read the book & couldn't understand the constant going back in time. I would not see it again. Left me feeling depressed. Good thing my ticket was only $1.00."

What ever other people might think about this story, I think that, either the original story from the book or from the movie, all version has it own unique... Kudos to the author and the film maker! xoxo.

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